SOT <3 Greenlaning

This year we have a new feature on the tour! Instead of a regular offroad day on Mölleröd in Hässleholm we will have a full day greenlaning in the picturesque Skåne countryside. The day will include rarely used narrow forest tracks and deserted ancient main roads as well as standard gravel roads and is approx […]

Read Full Article in new design has completely new design! And with the program and map for 2021. Made by our social media administrator Frida Ericsson. The homepage is more modern, lively, beautiful with high quality photos. Plus a clock counting down the days, hours and minutes when 26th Sweden Offroad Tour 3-18.7 2021 starts! Together with plus […]

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200 old features on offroad!

On old you find 200 photo features! On the old version of you find 200 photo features on offroad: They are mostly about tour leader Peter Öjerskogs weekend meetings called Terräng Touring (Terrain Touring), but also Sweden Offroad Tour, ATV-meets, 4×4 travels to Sahara and California, car shows, etcetera.  The texts are […]

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