Our first try with classic british greenlaning at SOT Mölleröd-Hässleholm was an enormous success! 59 cars took part in driving along overgrown dirt roads on the huge military area! That is almost double as many as last year and a super record for the partner Hässleholms Motorklubb Offroad and their leader Anders Forsell, who is celebrating its 30th anniversary. It was there in Mölleröd 1991 everything started with offroad meetings for mainly standard 4x4x cars. For photos and more info see: facebook.com/swedenoffroad and #swedenoffroadtour . For the first four days on SOT 2021 we have had 70 % more vehicles than last year! Tomorrow we drive SOT Offroadbanan-Osby. A great area. Camping and ATV allowed. Lunch served.