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Change in 2024 program

There will be two changes in the 2024 program. First day will not be in Osby, instead we will revert back to the old setup with the tour starting on a Saturday. Hopefully this will create less of a conflict with your work schedule so you don’t miss out on the first day!

Osby will be moved to Tuesday the 16th instead of Karlshamn. Karlshamn ‘the paradise’ will unfortunately not be one of our stops this year. We are working together with the land owner to find a solution for next year as the area will be greatly missed. 

The second change is that we will have a gap in the schedule, a rest day, on the 26th. Uppsala Rörken has a conflict in their schedule as they are also working actively with Formula Offroad and are arranging an event in Norway the same weekend. The areas will most definitely be back in our tour another year. Best of luck in Norway guys! 

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